Come See Orchids in the Daylight!

We meet on the Third Sunday of every month at

Lakeside Park Garden Center - 666 Bellevue Ave, Oakland, CA 

Doors Open 1:00 PM  Meeting Starts at 1:30 PM

This month we have a talk (via webinar) on the genus Catasetums by Fred Clarke, the greatest grower and hybridizer of these wonderful plants at Sunset Valley Orchids.  Our plant table is a match of SVO catasetums!  Don’t miss this interesting talk and chance to get one of these hybrids. 

We are entering autumn and the culture of many of our orchids is going to change to winter care shortly.  As usual, bring any culture questions and problem plants to the meeting for advice and support.

Meeting date is September 15.  The doors open at 1:00 PM for setup and socializing, meeting starts at 1:30PM.

The Orchid Society of California (OSC) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the conservation, propagation, and knowledge of all orchids. Founded in 1934, the OSC is one of the oldest and most cherished orchid societies in the world.

The OSC has members from all walks of life, from novice to expert growers. The society offers a variety of resources and activities to its members, including:

Join the OSC today and discover the world of orchids!

See our Facebook page for the latest info


Here are the member show and tell plants for July